New Resident Resources
Welcome to the City of Cool Valley!
Below you will find some helpful links, if you don't see what you are looking for, please feel free to contact city hall.
Ameren UE
Republic Services
Mo American Water
Ferguson Florissant School District
Contact Info
City Hall

Welcome home!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an occupancy certificate?
Yes. Once the home passes inspection, the head of household can come to city hall to obtain an occupancy certificate. Members of the home that are 18 years of age and older will need to provide a copy of their vaild state ID; occupancy certificates are $50.00
I just purchased my home, the process included an inspection, do I have to get an inspection through the city?
If there is an inspection on file from the city's inspector that is within the 90 day compliance period, another inspection is not required. You are ready to obtain your occupancy certificate.
If the 90 day compliance period has passed or if there is no record of an inspection within the last 90 days, an inspection is required before the unit can become occupied.
inpsection fees are $125.00
Does my fur baby need a license tag?
Yes, please bring vaccination records and fee of $3.00 to city hall to obtain tag.