Public Works Director
The Public Works Director is appointed by the Board and reports to the city clerk. The director has primary responsibility for the organization, operation and overall performance of the department. Independent judgment is used according to the situation, and different courses of action must be taken to complete the department tasks. Work is performed in all kinds of weather conditions.
- Street maintenance
- Landscaping duties for city hall and city owned properties
- Assist with maintaining a clean community
- Maintainence public works vehicles and eqiupment
- Plows snow and apply salt
- Keep record of blight properties and nusiance properties; report them to the City Clerk
- Attend trainings and seminars
- Supervise a small crew when applicable
The Public Works Director is responsible for the operation of a variety of construction and maintenance equipment and for performing manual labor activities as needed and/or required. Although road maintenance is the most common type of work performed, laborers in this position also work in park maintenance, as sign crews and in other related areas.
Contact Info
Public Works Director
100 Signal Hill Dr.
Cool Valley, MO 63121
314.521.3500 x805

Public Works